Kingdom Driven
Kingdom Driven Ministries Inc. (KDM) is a non-profit corporation incorporated in the State of
Indiana. The mission is simple: "Expand the Kingdom of God locally and abroad through training, church
planting, education, and ministering to the various diverse needs of the poor."
Kingdom Driven
Ministries was founded by Marc and Cynthia Carrier to advance the Kingdom of God, with specific emphasis on
East Africa. However, there are many others also serving on the front lines and behind the
One unique aspect of the
operations of KDM is that ALL the funds go to the ministry, and NOT the ministers. The
Carriers and KDM's East African partners do what they do for God's glory, not for a salary. 100%
of earmarked funds go towards the ministry needs specified, and funds do not go to the actual workers or even
the administrative costs. Their families are supported through their own labor and enterprises, and not by the
free will offerings of their supporters. Lord willing, this model will continue even after the Carriers move to
Kingdom Driven
Ministries has a Board of Directors of Kingdom-driven, committed, mature followers of Jesus Christ. All
substantial ministry decisions, such as major purchases, hiring employees, salary decisions, and any changes to
the purpose and mission of the ministry must be approved by the Board. So supporters can trust not only the
Carriers, but also the team with whom they work, to steward all resources and make decisions for the greatest
benefit of the Kingdom, and those to whom they and their partners minister.
If you wish to contact
the Board or learn more about the ministry, please feel free to contact us at info (at) kingdomdriven (dot) org
and we will gladly provide any information you desire. KDM is entirely transparent concerning ministry
operations. Here is our statement of faith and core
here to download a printable, one-page informational .PDF.
Donations are tax
deductable under IRS 501(c)3 guidelines.