Kingdom Expansion Training Events
In Western Kenya and other areas in East Africa, the most fruitful method for teaching Kingdom
principles and New Testament practices has been small (25-150 attendees) training meetings. These meetings are
extremely affordable to organize and with almost certainty result in the planting of anywhere from one
(1) to several house churches--with a foundation laid for churches that plant churches. It is absolutely amazing
how hungry these folks are for the truth, and the authentic Kingdom experience!
These meetings are organized at local churches or in outdoor tent settings. All are invited to
attend: institutional church leaders, mature believers, cultural Christians, and non-believers alike.
The first session is a call to commitment, with emphasis on the firm teachings of Christ and
walking in obedience to His commands. Attendees are asked to count the cost of discipleship (Luke 14). The second
session covers the centrality of living for God's glory, the supremacy of the Great Commission and emphasizes
walking in freedom from sin, and the power of multiplication--disciples that reproduce other
disciples multigenerationally. It is a very powerful session. The third session covers the simplicity and
beauty of home fellowship, with an emphasis on reproducible leadership and churches that plant churches.
Now if you wish to be a strategic part of the front line of Kingdom expansion, there
is no better way than funding one of these training events. And the exciting news is, they are cheap!
The trainers are free! The expenses are transportation, materials, foodstuffs, and a tent. A
one-day event costs just $50 USD. A two-day event costs only $100. If you wish to forever impact the lives of those
in East Africa by supporting one of these training events, donate by clicking the button below or
visit the donation page to support this vital Great Commission
If you choose to sponsor a training event, you will get a report from the training event,
photographs, and testimonies of the immediate impact. There is nothing more exciting than being part of a team that
has planted a brand new church in a place eager for the Gospel.