Kingdom driven Ministries


Vulnerable Children 


"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress." (James 1:27, NASB)

Because of the HIV epidemic, tribal clashes, and low life expectancy in general, there are many orphans in East Africa. In the rural places, the house church network works to provide for the needs of displaced children, as much as practicable. With your help, much more can be done. If you have an interest in supporting orphans in the rural places of East Africa, give a general donation on the donation page and write "help orphans" in the comment field.


 Vulnerable Children


School Fees

Secondary school in Kenya is not free! Children only have access to secondary education if they can afford tuition. Oftentimes, without support from generous folks like you, children are prone to repeat the cycle of poverty into successive generations. You can help them break the cycle by providing fees for educational enrollment and curriculum for a student. Many Kenyan parents and legal guardians  need your help, both in the rural places and in the cities.


KDM-Kenya Director, Patrick Wafula, runs several secondary schools through Bahati Community Centre, a Kenyan Community Based Organization (CBO). You can help us achieve the Kingdom vision of spreading the Gospel while helping needy children by sponsoring Bahati scholars. You can sponsor either a day scholar (meaning they go home at night) or a homeless child (boarding is provided).  You will also be encouraged to pray for and communicate with your sponsored child. Day scholar fees are $200 USD annually or $17 per month.


Bahati Community Centre has recently established two simple hostels in the community to house the homeless. The homeless children fall into three main categories:

·   Vulnerable Children: Those who live under difficult circumstances such as child abuse, neglect or abandonment.

·   Orphaned Children: These are children rendered orphans either by HIV/AIDS or natural causes and have no relative to take care of them.

·   Displaced Children: These are children who were affected by the post-election violence. They were displaced from the Rift Valley, Kibera, Mathare and Kariobangi slums where the violence was extreme. Some have gone through very traumatic experiences and require specialized attention to return to normal. Some of these traumatic experiences include witnessing murder, loss of parents and family, being attacked or insulted on ethnic lines, loss of property and being completely displaced from home and school.

The fee for tuition for orphans and at-risk girls requiring on-campus housing is $280 USD annually or $24 monthly.


Here are profiles of children waiting for your support. Please make your donation below or visit the donation page to contribute to supporting the needy children at Bahati.

Alternatively, if you wish to provide support for school fees for poor, Christian families in the rural places, just donate in any amount using the general donation button on the bottom of the donation page. Simply write "school fees rural places" in the comments field.

We thank you in advance for your faithful support.

Day Scholar Tuition (yearly or monthly payments):


Payment options

School Fees plus boarding (yearly or monthly payments):


Payment options


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