Kingdom driven Ministries


Kingdom Resources

We have put together an incredible package of Kingdom expansion resources for use in East Africa. These are based on the same books available for sale in the US, but compiled and combined with other powerful teaching and tools to compliment the original resources.

Patrick with Kingdom expansion booksNow the Kingdom Expansion Series is only printed in Kenya, and is only available in East Africa. These resources are described here to invite you to become an integral part of the exciting Kingdom expansion going on in the front lines of the mission field right now, by financially contributing to the printing and distribution of these powerful resources. You may donate via the button at the bottom of this page, or visit the donate page if you feel led to contribute to this vital ministry.

The key resources are available in both Engish and Swahili. For you Swahili readers, click here. English readers read on...

Kingdom Expansion Series

Simple, practical, and powerful tools for expanding the Kingdom of God

·     The Gospel according to Jesus Christ

·     Making disciples who make disciples

·     Planting home fellowships

·     Reaching the unreached

·     Ministering to Muslims


Kingdom Expansion Series EnglishIn The Kingdom Expansion Series, you will see many vivid illustrations and stories, and common sense examples, designed to be learned, followed, and passed on to successive generations of disciples. The materials were intentianally written to be concise, and meaningful. The materials are not overly complex. The teaching is designed to be very easy to learn, apply, and teach to the next generation.


In the first volume, The Gospel According to Jesus, you will be presented with the straightforward Gospel taught by Jesus and the apostles and lived out by the early church. Learn first hand the beliefs that radically transformed generations of Christ’s followers, the men and women who turned the world upside down.


In the second volume, Keys to Kingdom Expansion, you will glean information and inspiration on how you personally can contribute to fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. You will be challenged and mobilized to surrender everything to Christ, and get out there and make disciples. Tools for going through a spiritual inventory are also provided to lead you to absolute total freedom from sin. Yes, you will see that freedom from sin is indeed possible, and now within your reach.


The third volume, The Church in the House, will show you the New Testament practice of home fellowship. You will learn the biblical, practical, and prophetic aspects of returning to the simplicity of organic church practices.


The Kingdom Expansion Series also has two bonus features: the first will teach you how to plant fellowships in unreached areas the way Jesus did it, as presented in Luke Chapter 10. The second will show you how to easily present Christ to Muslims using the Koran.


Kingdom resource distribution

Shepherd's Storybook
For Training New Shepherds of New Congregations
Fourth Edition

Rob Thiessen, Anne Thiessen, and George Patterson

Shepherd's Storybook
 presents the fast-paced account of a young congregation led by an apprentice shepherd. As they experience typical problems and attacks, they learn to deal with these from Bible stories. As you read the account and the same Bible stories, you will teach your church:

  • eight lessons on leading others to faith 
  • seven lessons on obeying the commands of Jesus 
  • fourteen lessons on practicing the one-another commands of the New Testament. 

Shepherds StorybookShepherd’s Storybook teaches the basics of evangelism, ministry training and starting new churches by using deceptively simple biblical stories. These stories deal with almost every common ministry situation imaginable,and effortlessly illustrate how we can put the powerful teachings of Jesus into practice.

Most books that attempt to teach principles of successful ministry are written like a classroom lecture or a textbook. But this is not how Jesus taught. In addition to giving his disciples basic, simple directions, Jesus told stories, lots of them! His stories are being repeated even today, and are still changing lives. 

This book will appeal to diverse readers of all ages and cultures. It was originally written for new believers on the mission field, but has a very wide appeal, and is being used in a number of different countries to teach the timeless New Testament principles of ministry.

Donate to the vital work of book publication--only $1 buys a Kingdom Expansion series' paperback; $5 for a Swahili Bible! (You may edit the amount of your contribution once it has been added to your cart.)


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