Business "Loans"
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in
their distress." (James 1:27, NASB)
In the rural places of East Africa life is
harsh. Unfortunately, death is a part of life. As a result, there are many, many widows (and
Likewise, poverty is everywhere. The house
church network in Western Kenya is committed to empowerment through skills training, business training, and
small business loans. For simply $100
USD, a needy individual can purchase some raw materials and
begin making crafts or set up a stand to sell produce or linens in the market. This meager amount is what
these people need to jumpstart a business that will sustain their household going forward.
Most ministries give fish; our house church network teaches them how to fish!
As we have gotten to know the situation in
Kenya, we have learned that success in business is directly connected to the repayment process. Therefore,
the recipients are given agreeable and reasonable repayment terms that make the funds available for the next
loan. Therefore, your gift will set up a seed fund that can continue giving as long as the recipients are
repaying their loans.
Besides the poor and needy, loans are also
given to apostles and evangelists. The objective is to allow these ministry leaders to be bivocational, to
allow them to sustain their families' needs without outside support so that they can labor for God's glory
and further the Kingdom of God.
Read a testimonial
Meet Brother Godwin from
Kenya. He had no employment until he was given a micro loan and from that he was able to start
this small business with 100 dollars. Now he is able to provide for his family from this small business
and also does some Kingdom work after working at his business. He now repays the money for
the loan every two weeks. |
With these small
loans we can help so many brothers and sisters who are suffering from poverty. You may donate below or
go to the donation page. God bless you so much.
Donate for a Microloan:
Purchase a Bicycle!
We also want to encourage you to consider
funding a bicycle for the apostles and evangelists in Western Kenya. These men are eager to spread the
Kingdom of God through evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. However, they can only reasonably
travel within walking distance without mechanized transportation. Bicycles would greatly expand their
ministry territory and double as a means for increasing productivity, freeing up more time for ministry. A
quality bicycle in the rural places costs approximately $100. If you wish to fund a bicycle for one of our
ministry leaders, use the general donation field at the bottom of the donation
page, and write "bicycle" in the comment field.