Kingdom driven Ministries


Resources for purchase

Marc Carrier and ministry partners have written, published, and translated multiple Kingdom expansion resources. The primary resources are The Gospel According to Jesus and Keys to Kingdom Expansion by Marc Carrier, The Church in the House by Robert Fitts, and Shepherd's Storybook by Rob and Anne Thiessen and George Patterson. These resources are all currently available in English and Swahili.

The resources are available in English as stand-alone, perfect bound paperback books, sold and shipped from the US. A combined paperback including The Gospel According to Jesus, Keys to Kingdom Expansion, and The Church in the House (and other ministry tools) is available only in Kenya, East Africa. It is distributed through KDM Kenya and is available in English and Swahili.



Here you may download FREE audio or ebook versions of Kingdom Driven resources or purchase paperback copies for your personal use. Currently, we only ship to US addresses. To inquire about international shipping, email info (at) kingdomdriven (dot) org.

To view additonal English and Swahili resources for ministry use in Africa, click here.

Resource descriptions are below.



The Gosepl According to JesusThe Gospel According to Jesus
by Marc Carrier
Have you heard the phrase, “but what that really means is…,” explaining what Jesus said in the Scriptures, when what He actually said seems so obvious?  Have you ever wondered why what Jesus said seems to contradict widely held theology and doctrine?

In The Gospel According to Jesus, you can read Jesus’ words in a fresh light.  It is not meant to convince you to abandon your views, but rather to set you on a journey to rediscover the Gospel according to Jesus.

Download free ebook  Download free audiobook

4" x 6" paperback, $2.00



Keys to Kingdom ExpansionKeys to Kingdom Expansion
Truth, Freedom, and Power
by Marc Carrier

Do you want to be the spark that starts a wildfire of Kingdom expansion? This is your opportunity!

Time is short. We are living in the second-to-last scene of history and God is mobilizing an army of soldiers for one last burst of revival to gather in the harvest. The Great Commission is now within our reach. Here are the deployment orders and battle plans for bringing in the harvest.

Download free ebook  Download free audiobook

 4" x 6" paperback, $2.50



The Church in the HouseThe Church in the House
A Return to Simplicity
Robert Fitts

All over the world, millions of Christians are feeling God’s call to return to the simplicity of the Church in the House as the vehicle to most effectively expand the kingdom. Now you too can join the revolution to help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation.

The Church in the House is an exciting and fruitful plan for bringing in a great harvest. Start a small prayer group and share the vision for a network of simple churches that meet in homes, parks, offices, coffee shops, or wherever. Simple churches are being planted increasingly and powerfully in China, India, Africa, Latin America, and around the world and multitudes are coming to Jesus, like no other time in history. Join the mission.  

Download free ebook  Download free audiobok

 4" x 6" paperback, $3.00



Shepherd's StorybookShepherd's Storybook
For Training New Shepherds of New Congregations
Fourth Edition

Rob Thiessen, Anne Thiessen, and George Patterson

Shepherd's Storybook
 presents the fast-paced account of a young congregation led by an apprentice shepherd. As they experience typical problems and attacks, they learn to deal with these from Bible stories. As you read the account and the same Bible stories, you will teach your church:

  • eight lessons on leading others to faith 
  • seven lessons on obeying the commands of Jesus 
  • fourteen lessons on practicing the one-another commands of the New Testament. 

Shepherd’s Storybook teaches the basics of evangelism, ministry training and starting new churches by using deceptively simple biblical stories. These stories deal with almost every common ministry situation imaginable,and effortlessly illustrate how we can put the powerful teachings of Jesus into practice.

Most books that attempt to teach principles of successful ministry are written like a classroom lecture or a textbook. But this is not how Jesus taught. In addition to giving his disciples basic, simple directions, Jesus told stories, lots of them! His stories are being repeated even today, and are still changing lives. 

This book will appeal to diverse readers of all ages and cultures. It was originally written for new believers on the mission field, but has a very wide appeal, and is being used in a number of different countries to teach the timeless New Testament principles of ministry.

Download the free ebook here:

 6" x 9" paperback, $5.00




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