Kingdom Resources


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Download these Free Evangelism Booklets, Teaching Guides, and Bible Studies:

Kingdom Expansion Field Booklets and Guides

church coverThe following four booklets have been prepared and proven to be quite effective in the mission field. The first booklet is to present the Gospel of the Kingdom. The second booklet is to prepare someone to enter the Kingdom (it covers surrender, repentance, and baptism). The third is a summary of the Laws of the Kingdom (the commands of Christ). The final booklet is the Governance of the Kingdom; i.e. Church.

These documents are set up for 8.5×11 booklet printing. Simply print the first three pages (two for the first booklet) and then the remaining pages on the reverse side to make a folded booklet. Contact us for A4 or Swahili versions.

Video Sample Teachings of the Field Booklets

Kingdom Expansion Essentials is a short book used in training pastors and new disciples in Kingdom Expansion practices.

Finally, we also offer a Discovery Bible Study, which can be used by a facilitator to introduce interested seekers to the Kingdom Gospel and a series of Scriptural teachings. Engage your audience as you explore the Bible together; includes 84 lessons.

Free E-Books:

The Gospel According to Jesus
by Marc Carrier

Have you heard the phrase, “but what that really means is…,” explaining what Jesus said in the Scriptures, when what He actually said seems so obvious? Have you ever wondered why what Jesus said seems to contradict widely held theology and doctrine?

In The Gospel According to Jesus, you can read Jesus’ words in a fresh light. It is not meant to convince you to abandon your views, but rather to set you on a journey to rediscover the Gospel according to Jesus.

Download free audiobook


read it in the Reading room.

Christianity Unleashed
by Marc Carrier

What is the purpose of your faith? Jesus was not sent to just give you a get-out-of-Hell-free card so you could warm a pew from Sunday to Sunday and live like the rest of the world all week. We sing songs, we give our offerings, we read a little and pray a little, and think to ourselves, “Is this really it? Is this what Jesus died for?” Today Christianity is largely a sleeping giant, an institution which has forgotten its legacy of victorious conquest against the spiritual forces of evil in spreading the light of God’s kingdom to all peoples of all nations. We have lost the purpose and vision, adventure and excitement, of the first Christians that we read about in the book of Acts. These dedicated disciples and their followers were delivered from bondage to Satan, sin, and the world, and immediately engaged as front-line soldiers for Jesus in the war against all the spiritual powers of darkness. Inspired and equipped by the Holy Spirit, they preached the gospel, healed the sick, and expelled demons, just like Jesus demonstrated and commanded. Completely surrendered to the Lord, many even suffered a martyr’s end without hesitation, motivated only by their desire to honor Christ. Christianity Unleashed is the story of one missionary’s journey demonstrating that the exploits of the earliest disciples are not simply fables or events for a particular people at a particular time in history. But rather, Marc Carrier will show you through his experiences, Scripture, and the witness of history that you too can be equipped and mobilized to embark on this great adventure called Christianity. This book will unleash you from what is holding you back and unleash your potential to become a vital part of God’s mission. Join King Jesus in this great adventure!

Download Christianity Unleashed here.

Christianity Advanced
by Marc Carrier

Christianity Advanced is an encouragement to every Christian to step beyond the elementary teachings of the faith into all that God has for us. Advance in the spiritual gifts for the edification of the Body and the expansion of God’s kingdom. Get aggressive in your spiritual growth and prayer life. Marc Carrier, missionary to Kenya, shares his testimony of how God changed the face of the Kenya mission through the activation of spiritual gifts and advanced spiritual warfare. You’ll find practical advice on how to step into the next level in healing, deliverance, revelatory gifts, and intercessory prayer.

Download Christianity Advanced here.

Pioneering the Kingdom
by Marc Carrier

Despite centuries of innovation, it is time we return to the apostolic pattern for missions. Years of man-made traditions have obscured the missionary methods clearly outlined by Jesus and put into practice by the apostle Paul. Join Marc Carrier on an adventure in East Africa as he shares his experiences in putting this apostolic pattern into practice. In “Pioneering the Kingdom,” you’ll share in Marc’s struggles and successes on the mission field, glean from missionary “best practices,” and delve into the Scriptures themselves. You’ll be introduced to the tools and techniques that have proven effective for many field practitioners at home and abroad. In the end, you, too, can be equipped to launch a sustainable, reproducible mission. From the Foreword by Glenn Roseberry, missionary in East Africa: “Oh, to have had this from the start! What a treasure it would have been to have known what Marc knows now. ‘Pioneering the Kingdom’ contains the stories, the practices and the tools of a successful disciple-maker. I know this because I am being discipled by Marc. I am applying these methods. I have disciples that are making disciples. Not theories, not buzz words. Real multi-generational reproduction. Real Kingdom expansion. It is the book I always needed and wanted. I pray you read it. I pray you use it. I pray you are never the same. We are still learning. Still adapting and still growing. I hope you join us in expanding the Kingdom of God.'”

Download Pioneering the Kingdom here.

Keys to Kingdom Expansion
by Marc Carrier

This book has previously been available on our Website; however, we no longer offer it. A concise current treatment of similar material is available in a booklet entitled Kingdom Expansion Essentials, which can be read online here.

A Concordance of Ante-Nicene Writings

The writings of the Early Church fathers are significant because they give us a glimpse into the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Their insight is valuable because many of these men were trained by the Apostles, and their native tongue was the Greek of the New Testament. They valiantly contended for the faith and a number died as martyrs, sealing their testimony with their blood.

The Ante-Nicene fathers emphasize that the Scriptures can be taken at face value, and that Jesus’ teachings are supreme and authoritative. Although some of their views seemingly conflict with modern teachings, their thoughts are not tarnished by centuries of theological theory and dispute. Their writings give us insight into what Kingdom Christianity once was, and what it can be again, if we would just return to the simplicity of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.

Download A Concordance of Ante-Nicene Writings here.

Hyena, King Lion and the Prince: The Battle for Perfect

hyena king lion and the prince front coverAre the cunning of Hyena and the strength of his dogs any match for King Lion and his Son? Who will ultimately win control of the village of Perfect?

An allegory, not just of good versus evil, Hyena, King Lion and the Prince spans all of human and Church history, showing how God has worked in His Creation to redeem it from the schemes of Satan and the corruption of sin. Set in a rural African village, the riveting storyline and charming illustrations make this epic tale an instant classic for the whole family to enjoy.

Download an e-copy here. 

The Spirit of Early Christianity: Select Writings from the Ante-Nicene Fathers

The Spirit of Early Christianity cover The Spirit of Early Christianity is a modern English rendition of Philip Schaff’s original translation of select Ante-Nicene writings. The volume is the first of a proposed series designed to help modern Christians capture the essence of what Early Christians believed and how they lived. The first volume includes The Shepherd of Hermas, First and Second Clement, Barnabas, Letter to Diognetus, the Diadache, Martydom of Polycarp, and Ignatius’ Letter to the Romans. The second volume includes Justin’s First Apology and Justin’s Second Apology.

Download Volume 1 e-copy here.

Download Volume 2 e-copy here.