
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the work of Kingdom expansion in Kenya and beyond!

You can donate electronically or by check

Add a donation item to your cart below, then choose your checkout option (PayPal/Electronic or “manual” to send a check) in your cart. Checks can be mailed to:

Kingdom Driven Ministries
P.O. Box 125
Washington, IN 47501

-- Giving Options --

General Donation

A General Donation gives the ministry team the greatest flexibility to allocate resources to the area of greatest need.

An automatic monthly payment subscription allows
you to meet real-time ministry needs and provide the greatest amount of ongoing support for the mission. (Once made, these recurring payments can be cancelled at any time):

Choose an amount:

Or, add a one-time donation to your cart, specify the amount, and add a note if desired:

Add a note, if desired:
Your Price: $ 

The Great Commission

Your donation to the work of Kingdom Expansion may be used to print and distribute Bibles or Kingdom Expansion resources; to fund outreach or discipleship meetings, baptisms, or other events; or to support the work of translating English Kingdom resources into Swahili for use in East Africa.

Add a one-time donation to your cart, specify the amount, and add a note if desired:

Add a note, if desired:
Your Price: $ 

Or, provide ongoing support for Great Commission work with a monthly subscription:

Choose an amount:

The Great Commandment

We are just the hands and feet here in Africa; fulfilling Jesus’ great commandment to “love your neighbor as you love yourself” is possible because of the generosity of our partners around the world. With these funds, we provide food (for widows, disabled, and malnourished children), clothing, clean water, school fees, and medical care for our brothers and sisters and the needy in our communities. You  can earmark funds with a note if you wish.

Specify your donation amount for these urgent needs with a one-time gift below:

Add a note, if desired:
Your Price: $ 

Or, provide ongoing support for Great Commandment work with a monthly subscription:

Choose an amount:

Support Isaiah Carrier

Isaiah Carrier (son of Marc & Cindy Carrier, founder of KDM and missionaries to Kenya from 2012-2021) has been an active volunteer with KDM since earning his GED at age 16.

At age 18 he was granted a work permit and has served the mission in various capacities over the years: teacher, evangelist, project coordinator, and (since the Carriers returned stateside) program administrator. Currently Isaiah travels between Kenya and the US and is active in ministry both stateside and abroad.

Make a one-time donation for Isaiah (who receives no compensation for his full-time work with KDM):

Add a note, if desired:
Your Price: $ 

Or, commit to monthly support:

Choose an amount:


 Support Glenn Roseberry

Glenn Roseberry, a dear brother and co-laborer with KDM, has now been approved to operate under his own KDM NGO in Tanzania. You can now follow his work and donate to any pressing ministry needs by visiting

Please be advised that any payments earmarked to Glenn after January 1, 2020 (whether long-term subscription payments or one-time donations) will revert to the KDM general fund and will be applied to the most pressing need.

KDM is officially recognized by the IRS as a non-profit public charity and all donations are tax deductible under US 501(c)(3) guidelines. Donations will be used as specified or to meet the area of greatest need.