The Great Commandment is the Royal Law (or Kingdom Law) which is to love your neighbor as yourself (James 2:8). It is by this standard we will be judged (Matthew 25:31-46). Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to seek to assist the neediest among us, and especially our brethren. We can’t just preach the Kingdom; we must live the Kingdom!
We at KDM seek out the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, and imprisoned. To help the hungry we may provide farming training and vocational skills. We also maintain stores of grains for our needy neighbors. However, for able-bodied folks seeking assistance, we often provide work as a means of provision, for if a man refuses to work, neither shall he eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

We also assist with clean water projects to quench the thirsty. For example, we serviced a community well in Kisumu at the home of one of our house church members. We have also installed a community well in several villages throughout East Africa to provide clean drinking water.
The stranger here is the abandoned. The least of the least here in East Africa are the street people, refugees, orphans and widows. To assist widows, we might fix or build a house or visit with food. Our fellowships in Nairobi maintain “safe houses” for those in need, particularly former Muslims and refugees.
There are not many naked here, but many lack good clothes. KDM missionaries have purchased clothing for the disciples and for our neighbors. When we executed a mission to the starving in Turkana where many lack clothes (literally), we delivered many outfits to assist the neediest.

The sick here are many (see Medical Missions). Malaria, typhoid, HIV, jiggers, and injuries plague the village poor. Our African disciples (under the direction of KDM staff) treat those among our brethren with acute medical problems, as well as those from the community who come for assistance. We typically send escorts with patients to one of several local hospitals or clinics. We also take care of special medical needs as funding allows (for example, prosthetic limbs, necessary surgeries, and ongoing support for malnourished children and those who suffer from HIV). Emergency cases come to us day and night and the disciples provide “ambulance service” and medical treatment.
So very many here in East Africa are imprisoned to sins of addiction, traditions, witchcraft, and fear. Inasmuch as we do not have an actual prison ministry, we do free very many people from the enslavement to Satan, sin and the world. In this way we fulfill all aspects of the Great Commandment.