More updates from facebook

Sorry guys for being quiet on this blog. I do all my posts via phone and have been keeping people updated via facebook. Our internet connection is too slow for pictures and videos, so I figured facebook posts are good enough. But for those of you not on facebook, here is what you missed below. I also encourage you to go to our family blog to see what Cindy has posted. God bless you.

march 4

just spent several hours with a young pastor named silas who is a neighbor. our com was labored, but we shall meet again next week when i return from nairobi With copies of traslated resources in hand. also had some good com with two other visitors jane and doreen. jane is the woman doing our shopping and doreen is silas’s wife.

march 5

Excellent fellowship with house church leaders in nairobi slum. They totally understand the kingdom of God. going to ngo board and immigration tomorrow. pray for success doing issues with work permit.
almost forgot. shared w sarah for hours about kingdom from scriptures. she was tearful and said she always had these questions and finally got truthful answers. praise the lord.

march 8

Excellent meeting with brothers from Kitale Bible College. Very promising strategic partnership. They pretty much will be coordinating and setting up my training itinerary. Spent hours sharing and teaching about kingdom and discipleship and they were in agreement 100%. Going to get real busy for me real fast. First conference next fri/sat.

march 10

spent half day yest in kitale sharing w young man on kingdon. very promising. he was man i spoke of last week. coming over sunday. name is daniel. pray for him. met four others in village will follow up with. martin collin, denis and forgot other name. mtg with silas later today.

march 11

great fellowship w daniel today. he is at point of decision/commitment. seeing him in kitale tomorrow morn. he is perfect candidate for discipleship. pls pray him in.

march 13

Met w daniel and silas today and spoke to david and silas. practiced a lot of swahili as well. slow and steady wins the race.

march 14

You might be surprised to know it is chilly in the mornings in kiminini, kenya. don’t want to get out of the covers but have to. getting supplies to construct a well and meeting w daniel again today. also prepping for fridays mtg. will work on publishing the secret of the strength by peter hoover if time permits.

march 15

Just had two plus hours w a pastor in town. he gets it. his name is henry. he wants to introduce me to his bishop and set up a conference at his denominatios bible college. i lent him the kingdom thst turned the world upside down he has already read KES and has attended a kdm seminar and is in agreement. God is good!

march 17

exhausted. just back from incredible seminar. taught from morn till about 1 am last night and back at it this morn till 2. incredible hunger for the kingdom. full agreement bout 15 pastors and full house. they all want more. busy busy future.

march 18

Just spent hours with a man who literally came to my house and asked to be discipled to expand the kingdom. He is a very influential man in the community and knows english. he has a car and said we can use it whenever we want, just pay for fuel. gave him a book and the process begins. his name is jehosephat. pray for him.

oh, follow up from yesterdays mtg. a pastor was so convicted by the spirit, he gave his very nice church and property with a well to us to be used for the kingdom. pray with me for wisdom as we retro this property to be our first “forever family”, i.e. orphanage.

march 19

Just now another pastor i have been teaching Was over another hour plus of deep discussions about the kingdom. He asked me what he should do with his building. i, as i always do, told him i am no substitute for the holy spirit and he shall tell him. however, the spirit is telling me “vocational training center.” this pastor is very good at apprenticing the trades. the church is just a few hundred feet from both our homes. pray with me for the spirit to give him clarity and me wisdom.

march 19 again

Just back from house to house evangelism. went to about seven homes. very fruitful. solid discipleship w my translator and ministry partner as well. he gets it.

march 20

For those w insight, the one who did the evangelism w me just signed the blank piece of paper and now doing inventory. pray for him. got some big things to get beyond.

another man coming over tomorrow. pray for him also. Sorry, no names. too many of these guys are on facebook.

God is awesome!

march 21

Several hours going thru inventiory w one man today. he has decided to resign from his church to pursue the kingdom apart from his denominational burdens. cindy and i spent hoours sharing the kingdom gospel in our home w a woman i shared w door to door the other day. she is at point of surrender. soon. spent hrs w another young pastor teaching basics. he wants in but has a lot to learn. language is an issue ministering w him. more visitors planned for tomorrow.

march 22

just finished up a 3 hr session w another discipleship prospect. very fruitful.

march 22 again

Just had another couple hr session w another. i am certainly in my element here. glory to God.

march 23

Went to kitale today and met w two disciples for a couple hours.

visited nairobi aviation college for isaiah and they said they want to meet him. he said he cant officially be admitted to their program until he gets his Ged but could start coursework immediately. he is pumped. just ordered a ged prep book. for those who dont know, this boy is very committed to being a missionar bush pilot. he has already flown and has designed and built model aircraft that fly out of household trash. he has detailed spreadsheets that calculate lift and allows him to design per weight and thrust. he is into this stuff.

jonah saw a monkey on our road. he was thrilled.

march 24

Honeymoons over. classic evangelim allows for perpetual honeymoon. never have to get too deep. disciplesip demands you deal with the hard stuff. well, spent the day dealing w the hard stuff. constant reminder of the parable of four soils. of those who get past the the evangelism phase, two thirds get wiped out when it gets tough–the cost gets high, or due to worldliness. narrow is the way. please pray for my disciples. wrestling w the spirit now in progress. i pray the spirit prevails.

march 25

Slow day so far, but not over yet. spent a few hrs w a young pastor and visited a couple homes. saw a bunch of wild baboons. the disciple who was supposed to meet me at the house this afternoon did not show up. disappointed bout that one–progressing nicely with him thus far.

march 26

Met w 3 men today. all progressing nicely, but need lots of prayers still. two are pastors and one a man i met in kitale. names are henry, silas, and daniel. daniel is praying about making total commitment. will be baptizing him soon if he surrendres all. henry is wrestling with a tough issue he needs to get beyond. silas i gave a dictionary and two esl books. the language barrier is inhibiting discipleship.

still need prayers for work permit. not approved yet.

meeting planned w henry and silas tomorrow. wed still open. two other guys coming to complete inventory thurs. fri open and others coming sat.
also publishing in my spare time. doing a reference book on antenicene writings and secret of the strength. secret coming slow. other book should be finished this week. will let you know when complete.

march 27

awesome mtg w henry. he really gets it and has surrendred all to christ. he is officially my first disciple. has been a pastor for 20 yrs and decided to hang it up to preach the kingdom, make disciples, and plant home fellowships. he is very influential in the community, very respected. i am pumped.

march 29

Newest resource: “A Concordance of Ante-Nicene Writings” is available as a free pdf ebook here: The pdf contains hyperlinks to topics on the table of contents for simple navigation. Read, learn, and apply. An affordable 8.5 by 11 paperback version will be available very soon.

Here is the backmatter: “The writings of the Early Church fathers are significant because they give us a glimpse into the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Their insight is valuable because many of these men were trained by the Apostles, and their native tongue was the Greek of the New Testament. They valiantly contended for the faith and a number died as martyrs, sealing their testimony with their blood.

The Ante-Nicene fathers emphasize that the Scriptures can be taken at face value, and that Jesus’ teachings are supreme and authoritative. Although some of their views seemingly conflict with modern teachings, their thoughts are not tarnished by centuries of theological theory and dispute. Their writings give us insight into what Kingdom Christianity once was, and what it can be again, if we would just return to the simplicity of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.”

march 29 again

fruitful mtg teaching wanyoni and tonny for hours. pressing forward w these men they have surrendered unconditionally and they and a dozen other men have completed inventory. pressing on w orphanage project. also praying about tonny being my full time translator. he rides a bike (taxi) and supports his family doing that. for $400 can get him four more bikes and have others ride to replace his income and give four riders a job. pray w me about this.

march 30

returned to the village where we went house to house. old woman who suffered a stroke and partial paralysis we prayed for last week we discovered on this visit was healed! glory to God. younger woman from the home visited our home last week and we shared a lot. well, our visit this time drew a crowd–about 25 or 30 people from the community shoed up. i taught for an hour and was well received. will follow up next wk w a teacing on repentence and baptize those who repent. GOD IS AWESOME.

march 31

Fruitful meeting w a brother from kimilili. shared kingdom gospel, multigeneratioan discipleship paradigm and NT practices w him. he is the head of an interdenominational evangelistic conference in the area. scheduled a 2 day training mtg for apr 14-15.

march 31 again

Interesting mtg w a disciple who knows very little english. Really forced me to learn a lot of the less common swahili words. Very fruitful. We really were able to communicate some deeper concepts. It was some work though.

apr 1

The rainy season has officially begun. it is amazing how all these guys predicted it nearly to the day without the aid of a weatherman. wow, when it rains, it pours. a note for you shortterm visitors coming in two weeks…get ready to get wet, real wet.

apr 2

Installed water tank and gutter. working on new picture book project for sharing gospel of kingdom. designed for simple translation into multiple languages. now looking for illustrator. hope to find someone local. pray w me for that. getting ready for upcoming trip. will share details after. Pray for success-that the Lord will go ahead of me and clear the way. that the enemy will be subdued.

apr 3

Meeting w house church leaders in nairobi. also handling church discipline issues and some discipleship. fruitful mtg w immigration and ngo board. optimisic. keep praying.

wed apr?

getting supplies this morn. then teaching at bahati, students and staff, expect 400 to attend. then meeting with several house churches gathered in one locale. these are real deal kingdom saints. really looking forward to it. last night taught kingdom and atonement about 80 percent in swahili. even read ALL the scriptures in swahili. this was a major milestone. one in attendence commented i was almost fluent. i was reading at the time. truthfulling, when teaching specific subjects like that, there are only about 50 words you need to know. and a few phrases. i just wrote those down on a cheat sheet for easy referce.

16 hrs ago??

Thought it would be a quiet day at home. had a good family devotion about good friday Been away for a few days. interestin how good friday is a national holiday here. did not think id do any teaching today. however, had a surprise unannounced visit of nine folks in their sunday best, two pastors, one im discipling. well i taught a good hour. very engaging. they had many excellent questions. i love this. God fills my schedule with ministry ops.



The importance of knowing the local language

We were asked if we wanted ripe bananas and were given some beyond ripe that made for great baking stock. Cindy baked some banana bread and gave some to the local village elder with the children. He returned the favor by sending his daughter with a chicken.

It was a small bird with its legs tied together. So we assumed: dinner, right? I asked her if she would take care of it or if we would “take care” of it–assuming dressing the bird for dinner. Well she said she wanted us to take care of it. So after some failed communication I pulled out a couple knives and she said mayai or “egg”.  Ahhh, she wanted us to “take care” of the bird so it can lay eggs for us. International incident averted.  Too bad too: I really wanted chicken for dinner!

Well i since went to the Gigamart in Kitale and purchased levels 1-3 swahili lesson books. I’m now in first grade. Gotta start somewhere.

Long awaited updates

I have a few things to say. But before I get started, I will post my recent facebook updates that I was posting via phone as this is my first post via computer.

Feb 26 post

We are here and have much to share, but need a full keyboard to do so. Hopefully real internet tomorrow. Just have phone for now. Looong trip. Jet lagged children and Cindy. locals fetching water daily. setting up home. very welcomed so far. lots of curiosity and gawking. very very rare to see a white family out here. appreciate prayers. love from kenya. carriers.

Feb 28 post

We are settled in. have phones. have internet. got solar (limited). cindy has a real stove with an oven. need to open a po box and bank acct still. house and furnishings all set. next few days will be establishing logistics and networking. water is fetched from a spring 1000 ft away. purchased a tank yesterday to collect rainwater and will install a well in our borehole soon. a local neighbor agreed to do our shopping every couple days as is not practical for cindy plus littles to trek 4 km daily for food (no fridge). kids got bikes and a kitten.

Wed post

Learning patience. Everything here takes forever. No one on a timetable. Get used to waiting around for hours. Must aim real low with daily hold. Also, i now know how celebrities feel being cases around. Can’t go anywhere witout children, Vendors, and gawkers everywhere to touch or sell to the muzungu. Will put this situation to advantage for ministry soon.
also corruption abounds. around every corner.

continue to pray for wisdom, open hearts and minds, and the Spirits leading for me and partners.

In Christ’s love


21 hrs ago post

Good day. successful trek to kitale. got mac on internet. shared bout kingdom w two folks. great response from one, ok w other. exchanged info for follow up. setting up seminar in kitale couple weeks out. going to kiminini tomorrow for well materials guttering and a larger battery. off to nairobi monday for business and networking. developing relationships in the village. covet continued prayers. have a local woman jane with limited english doing regular shopping and fetching water. she is raising seven children solo and our little help goes a long way..and she is a great help to us. boys going fishing tomorrow with neighbor kid. village elder gave us a chicken today after cindy gave him banana bread. in the discipleship game, slow and steady wins the race. charging computer now. pray blogs w photos and posts with proper grammar and spelling soon.

OKay. That brings non-facebook folks up to date. New post with more details to follow. Maybe some photos as well.

Love you all

M and fam