Assistance for Brother Victor

Greetings Saints:

Brother Victor is a terminally ill (yet active and otherwise healthy) cancer patient who recently had a large tumor on his chest removed and received radiation treatment. He serves as the gatekeeper for the medical clinic a couple days a week and is active in the church. He recently received his driver’s license and is still learning to drive (yeah, I know that sounds backward–welcome to Africa.) DSC_0404

His wound where his tumor was removed is still open and requires daily cleanings. Disciples have been volunteering to perform the cleanings for free. However, the supplies and medicine are needed. I am writing for assistance to purchase the necessary cleaning supplies, bandages, and pain medicine. The cost is approximately $50 per month. Please consider donating for these needed supplies to continue caring for our dear brother Victor. Please donate at and note “Victor” at checkout.

Thanks and God bless you.IMG_0650