Our gratitude is beyond words’ expression, due to poverty of languages. We cannot express perfectly our thankfulness for all our brothers, sisters, donors and well-wishers who have stood with us in our great mission to expand the Kingdom of God and to meet the needs of the people we minister to and serve. Cooperation is the essence of genuine comradeship, therefore we are grateful for all our comrades who have selflessly cooperated with us in assisting least of these; in this case, Victor Simiyu and Micah Juma.
Victor Simiyu, a young man in our fellowship and a cancer patient, was re-admitted earlier this year for the second time in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, for more and deeper radiation treatment. After earlier operations, he was found with Fibro sarcoma of the anterior chest wall. Thus, on his return to Mulago Hospital, he was carefully planned for radical radio therapy; tangential fields were used in order to save the critical organs and sensitive tissues. Since his return from Kampala, slowly the chest growth is decreasing
, and recently it has started to rot and fall off. Though this is a disturbing image, it represents the work of God, and we praise Him! Victor was further referred back to a Kenyan special surgeon for more evaluations and check ups. Little was done other than re-dressing the wound and providing some non-narcotic pain medications. As Victor prepares to return to Uganda later this month (March 28), for another follow-up, please keep him in prayer. Doctors treat, but God heals.
Micah Juma had been using a catheter following a December 2011 road accident. He also had untreated breakage of his backbone and legs. Earlier this month (March 9),we took him to Eldoret Hospital for supra pubic catheter replacement and recommended knee surgery. We also inquired about the possibility of surgically repairing the urethral damage. His treatments and operations have been temporarily put on hold until April 5, his next scheduled appointment. This delay is to allow him to go through a rigorous antibiotic regimen designed to eliminate the infection his is currently suffering, and give his body enough time and strength to prepare for the surgery. Keep Micah in prayers as he prepares for these big next steps!
True wealth is investing yourself in that which yields the greatest benefits for yourself and others, storing your treasures in Heaven. God bless ALL of you, for your donations and especially for your prayers.