Perhaps you remember our first report of 6 year-old Faith Anita, whose deformity of the spine/neck was debilitating her, and whose family has been financially unable to get her the care she needs.
At that time, while we had a great deal of sympathy for little Faith and wanted very much to assist her, we were also not in a position to report with certainty her condition, or what would be needed to complete her treatment. But we thank God for granting us an opportunity (through those who so compassionately gave for this need) to take over the process of restoring Faith’s health and future hope.
After several visits to medical institutions here in Kenya, we were assured that the disease can be treated, though it will be a lengthy process requiring further financial resources. Preliminary laboratory tests and x-ray scanning reveal that Faith \is suffering from advanced scoliosis, in this case an exaggeration of the thoracic curve that causes a pronounced hump or backward bend in the upper back–a so-called Gibbus deformity that pitches the shoulders and neck forward of the normal gravity line. This condition has greatly hindered her physical growth and limits her ability to walk straight and upright. It has also been socially debilitating as far as her friendships and her ability to engage in schooling as other girls her age do.
According to the local orthopedist, the next step is radiology scanning to determine the best course of treatment. There is a possibility of stents placement, which will help in straightening the thoracic spinal cavity. (Stents placement is a surgical process.)
Thus far, your generosity has enabled us to begin the process of healing for Anita, and now we need your help to continue! Though it is difficult to get accurate estimates for medical procedures here, we have been told that the next phase of her care can be addressed for approximately $250. Once again, we invite anyone interested to lend a helping hand by giving at www.KingdomDriven.org/donate. You can earmark the funds for Great Commandment/medical or make a note at checkout that your gift is for Faith Anita. As our Lord has promised, you will store up for yourself treasures in Heaven as you bless little Faith in her time of need!