Anthony’s Surgery Successful–Prayer Request

It with a mixture of joy and sorrow that we share the report of a successful surgery for Anthony Mirundu.  We are so thankful for those of you who have made it financially possible for him to have the tumor on his wrist evaluated in recent months. Though the report of cancer was disappointing, it was not a surprise, and we were happy to know that there was as-yet no metastasis. Anthony was given hope through the possibility of amputating his arm at the elbow, an option that he embraced in hopes of prolonging his life for his wife and young children.

On Thursday last week, at around 9 pm, the surgery was finally completed. Though he is now handicapped, both KDM and Anthony know that it is better to have lost partial use of a limb than to experience the slow growth of cancer and its inevitable consequences. We pray that this experience will cause Anthony to contemplate eternal things and perhaps draw closer to the Creator who loves him.

We also ask that you all pray fervently for Anthony during his recovery period, for the inevitable life transition that this will be for him. Life won’t be the same again to him, his family and friends and community may not treat him the same, but we know that the LORD remains the same. Please remember Anthony in sympathy and compassion of Christ.

