As we at Kingdom Driven Ministries pursue the Great Commission–making disciples and teaching them to obey Jesus–we have made reaching the young people in our community one of our priorities. Young people have great potential to impact the Kingdom with the energy of youth and gifts that God has given them.

For the past few years, we have initiated different programs in an attempt to influence and direct the lives our fellowship’s youth (which here is anyone under age 35!). It has not been an easy task to disciple this sensitive and vital group of young people. Over the years, the group has fluctuated in size and changed in dynamic, but they continue to press on toward the goal of knowing Christ and serving one another. Monthly teachings, discipleship and evangelism training, Saturday Bible studies, and Sunday fellowship are all among the core spiritual practices for the young people in our ministry.
Monthly teachings have been utilized for the purpose of shedding deeper light on the teachings of the kingdom, usually with the goal of uniting members from different churches and localities. Discipleship and evangelism training prepare and equip the young saints for the harvest work, because the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are scarce.
Our Saturday youth meetings have been perhaps the most consistent means of spiritual growth and fellowship for youth. This is an interactive fellowship where the focus is on the Scriptures and issues relevant to youth. Lately, we have begun going through our Discovery Bible Study (which you also can download for free here.) The study being an interactive one, it boosts their ability to debate and support their convictions and faith in Jesus, based on their understanding and knowledge of the Bible.
These young people also attend their local home fellowships every Sunday, and have an opportunity share their discoveries with the whole body of Christ.
A number of collective youth projects have been initiated over the years, with the aim of uniting the young people and teaching them the power behind cooperation. Digging a fish pond was among the major projects that the youths have invested their time and energy in. KDM assisted with the initial investment, the youth provided the ongoing labor, and the proceeds from the sale of the fish harvest was divided equally among all the young people that were involved in the project.

All the training, all the job opportunities provided, and all the projects initiated, have helped our youth to grow, unite, and expand and share the kingdom of God. We pray that the Lord will strengthen us, and place us in a position to do more and better for the glory of His Holy name.