Here at Kingdom Driven Ministries, we know very well that without our donors and well-wishers nothing could be furthered, nothing could be accomplished, and nothing could be achieved. We hope you will be blessed by this brief report of our May happenings for those in our community and fellowships with medical needs.
The month of May had its own ups and downs, especially in the medical department, but nevertheless the end was good and worth reporting about. As usual, the burden of dealing with various patients falls mainly on the old shoulders of our church deacon, Mzee Timothy; however, he enjoys the assistance of other brethren and ministry administration.

This month, our focal point was on two major cases that were brought to us by local administration, that of Micah Juma and Anthony Mirundi. I believe most of you are familiar with these two young people, whom we have long been laboring to assist; one, with long-lasting impacting from road injuries, and the other with bone cancer in the arm. In case you are not familiar with their cases, please visit our previous articles, Sympathize with the Needy and Extend the Circle Of Compassion
After few months of moving to and fro with Micah Juma, seeking a right medical facility that could help to
remedy his broken leg and examine the conditions of his urethral dysfunction, at last, this month we found redemption for him at one local hospital. He was attended two weeks back, and we are happy to inform you that the whole process of surgery went well, without any major problems, and Micah’s leg was finally repaired. The surgery to hold the broken bones together by insertion of plate and screw in between the fractured tibia, lasted ten long hours. Unfortunately a few day after the surgery, he was reported to have some minor discomfort, which forced us to return him back to the hospital again. He has been re-admitted for one or two more weeks, but it is our prayer and desire that he will finally emerge a healthy and strong young man.
We also took our patient, Anthony Mirundu, to one of the local mission private hospitals for initial examinations. Anthony came to us with growths on his wrist, which we learned was a malignant bone tumor. Unfortunately the doctors at Dreamland, being unable to do a likely necessary amputation, referred us to Webuye Hospital. Therefore, this month our Mzee Timothy has been a frequent visitor in Webuye Hospital! After Anthony’s blood test, to find out if the malignancy has spread to other parts of the hand, we will meet and discuss treatment options with the surgeon. His followup appointment is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8; please keep that in your prayers.

As far as regular medical needs, perhaps our most disturbing case this month was that of four year-0ld Brandson. Unfortunately, it is culturally the norm here for a man to take more than one wife; when he does, his children typically remain with the first wife or her family. In the case that no caregivers are available for the children of a previous wife, they are taken into the second family circle but are typically not well-treated.
Imagine a mangy cur, unwanted and tolerated only because he provides some minimal security to a family (also common here). This dog is beaten when it approaches people for attention; it is tossed a meager portion of scraps from the family table and expected to forage elsewhere to satisfy his grumbling stomach. He coat is matted and sparse; his ribs betray the reality of his condition. Such is not far from the condition of a step-child.
Bradson’s young body was full of dark scars as a result of beatings, burning, biting and worst of all, it was reported that the step-mother had inserted a thread needle into his back. The boy was weeping uncontrollably as as two church wazee rushed him to the District Hospital, where the operation was conducted and the needle was removed. Perhaps in incidents like these, the prophecy of the apostle Paul is being fulfilled: “at the end times, people will be godless, unkind, cruel and lovers of self.”

And of course there were the usual cases of malaria and typhoid, as well as dog bites, severe headaches, stomach upsets, and joints dislocations. Most of these minor needs were treated at our local clinic. The cases of malaria and typhoid–names to put to your prayers and our thanks–are Benjamin Makhoha, Naomi Naliaka, Florence Nafuuna, Junior Wafula, Silas Juma, Annet Nafuna, Brenda Nanjala and many others.
Kingdom Driven Ministry thanks all of you who have supported us this past month of May; receipts totaled $636 this month—one of our biggest in recent history. You have helped us to serve and bring hope to all those that came our way. Let us enter a new month of June with the same zeal and strength.