I came across a challenging situation today in Saboti. This situation was especially challenging because of the health of this family; the woman has had Malaria for some time, the little boy has had malaria, and even worse, this same boy has a terrible ear infection!
Five days ago (Wednesday), me and Sam (one of our local translators) visited this fellowship in Saboti. They had several cases of Malaria in this village and this woman gave up her dawa (medication) for her son to have his. This, in itself, was such a blessing to me. But today, things escalated.

Marc and I returned to the village of Saboti to pick up three children (with their parents) to take them to the hospital earlier this morning (Monday). This woman could not join us on our journey to get help for her child! Her husband was out looking for work so they could eat today. She was running her small little shop—risking missing a customer while away is too dangerous, so she decided not to get help for her son.
What’s the issue? These children have an ear infection…so bad that puss was coming out of the ear! This woman’s child was one that was very sick with puss coming out of his ear as well!
Bottom line, she didn’t have the time to set aside for her child to get medical attention for his ear. She didn’t have time to take off because she needed to run her shop. And, lastly, she gave her malaria medication to help her son get well, causing herself to suffer and get worse!
Today, as I visited them, we took two children to the hospital for the ear infection issue, got medication, and took them back home. We were able to purchase the needed medication for the child’s ear issue. And lastly, we purchased malaria medication for this woman!
Honestly, there is nothing better than meeting someone, seeing their need, and being able to deliver the much-needed assistance to make them well! Even through the language barrier, we can see and hear their needs. But, God is good. We were His hands to deliver this aid. But we have brothers and sisters in the States that provide us the funds to make this happen. We can’t do this alone; the needs are much too great, but we can address those in our circles, those that request help, and bless them with, and for, you. Thank you for your continued support. You are truly a blessing to those around us—they, and we, say thank you!